Producer? Creative Director?
Content Creator?
Yes, and that's just on Tuesdays.
The only thing more impressive than my microbudget producing skills is my ability to confuse LinkedIn's algorithm. Honestly, I just like making stuff. Lots of stuff. All the stuff.
That often requires wearing different hats, which explains why my resume reads like an identity crisis in bullet points.
It's easiest to explain this in a short script I call "The Bio You Never Asked For."
Fake Interviewer: Have you ever made -
Me: A pre-Youtube viral video blog that featured re-enactments of popular queer tv shows acted by sock puppets? YES, I DID THAT.
Fake Interviewer: How about -
Me: Sitcoms? Yes, I've created two (been in about a dozen), and one those even had two seasons. That one also had a world wide distribution deal, and both won multiple awards and were made for less than Tom Cruise's sock budget on the last Mission Impossible film.
Fake Interviewer: Anything else?
Me: Music videos, PSA's, comedy sketches, event coverage, travel vlogs, commercials, promo videos, explainers, testimonials, sponsored content, branded content, BTS content, interviews, fundraising videos, social and political nonprofit impact videos --
Fake Interviewer: But film is -
Fake Interviewer: Why so few social media followers?
Me: ...
My career in Hollywood started as an actor. I did some tv, a handful of good indie films, a million digital series, and then started writing and producing my own content because I was sick of watching awful lesbian movies where everyone died or ended up with a man. True story.
Recently, I appeared in a number of roles - including Sally Ride - for MAX’s Emmy Winning LGBTQ history show Book of Queer.
Amongst other more impressive roles, I’ve played a convict, a gay bar owner, and a demon-possessed surfer in a cheesy gay soap.

Like everyone else in LA, I act.

We all spend way too much time critiquing films, tv, and stories that are not, nor ever were, meant for us. Who am I to say that a film about the rapture or a sitcom about motherhood shouldn't be made simply because it's not for me?
If I had listened to the gatekeepers, I would still be taking classes, asking for coverage, and rewriting. They will always tell you that you're not ready - that your story needs more input and more yesses from others like them. And maybe they're right.
On the other hand, once I stopped worrying about whether or not I was qualified to write or produce, I started creating. I landed an international distribution deal on my first $1000 digital series and traveled the world promoting my microbudget content while many of my (frankly more talented) screenwriter friends still have yet to be produced.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that screenwriting is a soft skill; it takes years to master.
On the other hand, I could name a million movies and tv shows written by talented and trained writers that went through years of development and revisions and ended becoming absolute garbage. So, there's that.
I’ve written solo, with a partner, and in a writer’s room. I definitely prefer the many hands make light work approach.
You won’t find anyone more committed to pitching fixes for problematic and expensive script elements.
Yes, I am a writer too.

Still the reigning Drag King of LA

My favorite red carpet pic.
*You can find more on my uncurated BlueSky profile. Every other platform is dead to me.
The non-creative stuff*
A Dozen Fun Facts
My rural upbringing gave me skills that many city slickers lack
Put me on your zombie apocalypse team - I'm an excellent angler (see #1)
I love soup, especially soup with meat in it
I suffer from severe misophonia; leaf blowers and gum smacking induce rage
Most of my discretionary income is spent on international travel and electronics
Dolly Parton and Stevie Nicks are living gods: change my mind
Formally, I've studied theatre, marketing, business, and cat husbandry
Sundays are for football, grilling, and poker games
I almost died of sepsis in 2016
Punctuality is irrationally important to me
Desperately needing a break from Hollywood, I worked in cat rescue for 3 years
I take my work very seriously; myself, not so much